Interesting sightings from Doñana

Mattias Ullman, from Sweden, reports interesting concentrations of some species in the Doñana area:
On the afternoon the 18/11 we counted 4250 (!) glossy ibises Plegadis falcinellus on rice fields around Brazo del Este.(And also 1750 White Storks Ciconia ciconia and 11.100 Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus (!) in the same area)'

Besides, he has also seen other special birds such as a Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi at La Janda, Cádiz, on 21.11 and a couple of rarities: American Golden Plover Pluvialis dominica and Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga (see Rare Birds in Spain website).

The Glossy ibis concentration is noteworthy, since the species is undertaking a large recovery (from c.1000 pairs in 2004, now perhaps 7206 individuals (see here in Spanish) but this is so far the only place in Spain where these concentrations are noted.

RESUMEN: Citas interesantes de Doñana. Mattias Ullman, de Suecia, comunica un conjunto de citas interesantes entre las que sobresalen las concentraciones de morito (4250 ind.), cigüeña blanca (1750) y gaviota sombría (11.100). Además observó dos rarezas (chorlito dorado americano y águila moteada) además de un bisbita de Richard en la Janda, Cádiz. Las concentraciones de moritos no tienen equivalente en ningún otro lugar de España.


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