Aythya nyroca x fuligula [Hybrid Ferruginous x Tufted Duck]
On 20 November 2014 a female presumed hybrid Ferruginous x Tufted Duck was seen at Cal Tet lagoon, Llobregat Delta, El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona (Ricard Gutiérrez, Ferran López, C.Llopis). The record appears in the 'Novetats Ornitològiques' Consorci Delta del Llobregat blog as follows: Aythya nyroca x Aythya fuligula Morell xocolater x Morell de plomall - Ferruginous Duck x Tufted Duck 1 ex. suposadament híbrid a cal Tet el 20.XI (R. Gutiérrez, F. López, C. Llopis). L'exemplar mostra característiques de les dues espècies: cap rectangular i plomall amb tons axocolatats, plomes del pit color xocolata, infracobertores caudals i posteriors de color blanc, flancs de color xocolata brut, etc... Ferran López, observer of the bird and manager of the blog quoted (see above in catalan): 'The bird shows characters of both species: rectangular head and the tuft with chocolate tones, brown tones in the breast, white undertail and rear coverts, dirty chocolate f...