Unseasonal Little Crake in Catalonia [Rascletó en època reproductora a Catalunya][Polluela bastarda en época de cría en Catalunya]
The Little Crake ( Porzana parva ) at Torreferrussa on 28-29.6.2012 (© CRFS Torreferrussa) On 28th June 2012, a Little Crake female ( Porzana parva ) was found at Vilafranca del Penedés, Barcelona by personnel of the local town council. It was presumably found within the village. The bird was brought to the recovery center of Torreferrussa where on 29th June was properly identified, being only the 2nd ever reaching the recovery center of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The Little Crake is a scarce migrant in Spain, but in the NE is fairly regular. Indeed, the only breeding record for Iberia is that of a bird at Llobregat delta with a nest and chicks on 19th May 1995 (Gutiérrez, R. 2004 Rascletó Porzana parva in Estrada et al Atlas dels Ocells nidificants de Catalunya 1999-2002 : 194-195) Given the dates of the observation this female could be a failing breeder already on dispersal movement. Bird examination by Elena Obón, vet of the Torreferrussa center revealed a rath...