Presumed Barn Swallow x House Martin hybrid at Algar river, Alacant, April 2016
O n 30 April 2016 a presumed hybrid Barn Swallow ( Hirundo rústica ) x House Martin ( Delichon urbicum ) was trapped and ringed at Algar river, Altea, Alacant (Toni Zaragozí, Gaspar Gosálbez). The bird, showing intermediate characters between both hirundines, had the following measurements: Wing (màximum chord): 111 mm P3: 84 mm Weight: 15 gr Fat score: 0 Age : Euring 4 Ed .comment: The bird presented a whitish,albeit spotted, rump and, to be an adult or nearly so, th e typical throat patch of H irundo rustica was rather dull. The tail was also short des pite wings pan was closer to H ir undo than to De lichon . Hyb rids between both species hav e been described. McCarthy (2006) Ha ndbook of Avian Hybrids of the W orld , reports the existance of h ybrids widely reported from Russia and Scan dinavia to Zam bia. Hyb ridi zation mig ht occur over the entire broad region of sympatry but at low levels (less th...