Presumed hybrid Grey heron x Great White Egret (Ardea cinerea x Egretta alba) in Doñana, Spain
Presumed Ardea cinerea x Egretta alba . Entremuros, PN Doñana, Sevilla, 1.11.2013 © Carlos M.Martín Versión en castellano: usar 'Translate/Traducción' applet On the 1st of November 2011, while birdwatching within Doñana Natural Park at Entremuros area, Sevilla, Carlos M.Martín noticed what immediately recalled him an hybrid between Grey Heron ( Ardea cinerea ) and Great White Egret ( Egretta alba ). It was close to a pond at 37º06´18.86´´N 6º15´28.32´´O where there were dozens of Great White Egrets, some of them ringed. He took a photo lucky enough to capture within the same frame (see above) the presumed hybrid (right) and both alleged parent species (Great White Egret, left, and Grey Heron, center). As he stated in his notes on the observation: 'Baso mi apreciación de que puidera tratarse de un "presunto" híbrido -más alla de un plumaje aberrante- en que presenta caracteres que evocan a ambas especies: el pico amarillo y la cara blanca, así como el...