Y los gorriones nivales no llegaron solos [and the snowfinches did not come alone]

Si hay evidencias de la llegada de gorriones alpinos de centro Europa, la presencia del ave de la fotografía, un Escribano Nival Plectrophenax nivalis en el Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró, Catalunya el 11.1.2009 (Stephen Cristopher, Mike O'Neill, Lucy Brzoska and Max Andrews/www.catalanbirdtours.com) hace pensar en que el bando de gorriones alpinos no son locales o que al menos un ave parecida, pero no igual, se les ha añadido en su hábitat bien nevado. Como dice el autor, además, las aves no estaban solas:

'I was taking digi-shots of Snowfinches, rather unsuccessfully, on Sunday (11th Jan) up in the Cadi-Moixero Park and captured this.
As well as lots and lots of Snowfinches, there were a few Alpine Accentor and a single crazy Wallcreeper on a snowy rock face'.

Gorriones alpinos, Acentores alpinos, Escribano nival, Treparriscos... ¿alguien da más?

Abstract. And the Snow Finches did not come alone. At Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park, Catalonia, a Snow Bunting was seen on 11th January in company not only of Snow Finches but a few Alpine Accentors and even a Wallcreeper. A tasteful combination that perhaps supports the fact that many of the Snow Finches in the area do come from outside the Spanish borders. As certainly the bunting does.


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